FUDMA Journal of History and Contemporary Development 2024-08-06T10:03:03+00:00 Dahiru Rabe, Ph.D Open Journal Systems <p><strong>About the Journal</strong></p> <p>FUDMAJHCD is a Department of History &amp; Strategic Studies journal, Federal University Dutsin-Ma, Katsina State, Nigeria. The journal is published bi-annually; from January – June to July to December. FUDMAJHCD provides a platform for scholars, researchers, reviewers, institutions, and interested individuals to publish their findings. Submissions are welcomed from a wide range of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, especially on issues that deal with the economy, politics, war, peace and conflict studies, international policy and relations, regional integration, governance, and security and development studies.</p> TRENDS ON THE GLOBAL POWERS INFLUENCE IN AFRICA: A CASE STUDY OF RUSSIA SINCE 1991 2024-07-19T16:25:45+00:00 SULAIMAN SHEHU <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p><em>International politics is a domain and circle of many intricacies, interests and competition over diverse national interests by global powers. Africa has been drawn into the orbit of these dynamics due to several factors, particularly its abundant natural and human resources. Against this background, this paper examines the trends of global power influence in Africa using Russia as a case study. Russia has been steadily pursuing policies that are bringing African countries into its orbit of influence in order to reassert its position on Africa in international politics since 1991. Some tangible and intangible policies Russia is employing to have its footprint in Africa include diplomatic initiatives, economic partnerships, hosting African Summits, and military cooperation, as well as using its private military services to secure its interests in Africa. African countries are gradually falling into Russia’s national interests by accepting Russian military assistance and incredible participation in African-Russian Summits and many other things. Russia's approaches to Africa are driven by several dynamics, including geopolitical considerations, economic interests, and counterbalancing Western and Asian interests. This relationship has now taken a new dimension, which Russia is leveraging in international negotiations and decision-making in the United Nations General Assembly, particularly regarding voting sessions on resolutions. Russia is a significant player in the African continent, to the detriment of Western interests. Although this relationship with Russia started in the pre-colonial era, it is more pronounced in the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. This study used historical and exploratory research approaches to trace the Russian foreign policy in Africa and systematically explain it because it has yet to be done. This shows a wide gap in our understanding of Russia in Africa as a global power influence. </em></p> 2024-06-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 FUDMA Journal of History and Contemporary Development BRI and Nigeria’s Post COVID-19 Revelations: A Future Projection 2024-07-19T16:16:40+00:00 Opeyemi Fadairo Yusuf Banwo Adetoro <p><em>This paper examines the impact of the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) on Nigeria's economic outlook in the post-COVID-19 Era. It highlights the potential benefits of global infrastructural development strategies such as free trade and globalization for developing nations like Nigeria. The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted global economic activities, but Nigeria still has an opportunity to align with global trends and prioritize economic development. The paper employs the critical case sampling data collection method and comprehensively explores Nigeria's potential path toward economic recovery and growth in a post-COVID-19 world.</em></p> 2024-06-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 FUDMA Journal of History and Contemporary Development TRADE AND TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM IN PRE-COLONIAL ANNANG, AKWA IBOM STATE, NIGERIA 2024-07-19T16:33:19+00:00 TOBY EMMANUEL <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><em>This paper examines the trade and transportation system in pre-colonial Annang.&nbsp;&nbsp; The study interrogates how the pre-colonial people of Annang traded with their immediate and distant neighbors.&nbsp;&nbsp; The paper examines how the people adapted to their environment and harnessed their human and material resources for effective and efficient production, which primarily met their needs and aspirations and those of their neighbours through trade.&nbsp;&nbsp; The paper extensively relies on primary information from oral interviews and archival sources. </em><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;The findings show that though there was an exchange of goods, the pre-colonial Annang economy was largely subsistence.&nbsp;&nbsp; The economy was viable, solid, and dynamic.&nbsp;&nbsp; The exchange and transportation systems were efficient and well organized, which helped to meet the needs and demands of society.</em></p> 2024-06-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 FUDMA Journal of History and Contemporary Development FORGOTTEN VETERANS OF THE FORGOTTEN ARMY: THE STATUS OF NORTHERN NIGERIAN EX-SERVICEMEN AFTER THE SECOND WORLD WAR 2024-08-04T15:26:43+00:00 RABE DAHIRU <p><em>In the African Military historiography, the place of ex-servicemen has largely been neglected for quite some time. This might not be far from the fact that after the Second World War, the British colonial government and the military authorities did not accord these veterans their proper place in post-war society. This paper uses both primary and secondary materials to explore the vestiges of the colonial ingratitude to the people that sacrificed their youthful valor and defended the British colonial empire from imminent collapse in the hands of Imperial Japan and Italian Fascists in Southeast Asia and East Africa respectively. The paper maintains that Northern Nigerian troops in particular and the Royal West African Frontier Force (WAFF) in general had played a vital role in the survival of the British Empire in East Africa and the Far East, but when the war ended they were not rewarded as appropriate. This led to the general neglect and suffering of these veterans in the colonial and post-colonial periods because the majority of them were not appropriately demobilized and reintegrated into their societies by both the colonial government and the post-colonial Nigerian regimes.</em></p> 2024-06-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 FUDMA Journal of History and Contemporary Development An Evaluation of Mogobe Ramose’s Concept of Ubuntu as the Basis of African Ethics and Value System 2024-08-04T15:39:45+00:00 Victor Ogheneochuko Jeko Ndidi Joseph Odigie <p>Africa’s problem lies in corruption. The concept of <em>Ubuntu</em>&nbsp;as an African holistic humanism elicits the need for African brotherhood and the common good of the people in Nigeria. Africa as a continent and Nigeria as a country have been bedeviled by a myriad of problems such as weak institutions of government, corruption, lack of religious tolerance, electoral malpractices, lack of independence of the judiciary, police brutality, abuse of human rights, lack of respect for human dignity, poor welfare of the Nigerian people, political godfatherism and gangsterism, ethnic chauvinism, lack of cultural integration, lack of environmental sustainability, poor economic development, poor value system, get- rich- quick- syndrome, poor leadership structure, poor road networks, poor health care system, brain drain syndrome and the problem of crisis of identity. This paper proposes that the concept of <em>Ubuntu</em>, if well-natured and nurtured, could serve as a springboard for responsible governance in Nigeria. This paper adopts the analytical framework to discuss Ubuntu's contemporary and politico-epistemological relevance to the Nigerian democratic setting. The findings of this paper are that the concept of <em>Ubuntu</em>&nbsp;requires democratic sustainability and accountability, everyday engagement, and an effective people-oriented leadership structure. It is a reflection of African holistic humanism. This paper concludes that the concept of <em>Ubuntu</em>&nbsp;presupposes an ontological, metaphysical, and politico-epistemological imperative for African politics.</p> 2024-06-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 FUDMA Journal of History and Contemporary Development Islamic Education in Hausaland: History, Problems and Prospects 2024-08-04T15:42:33+00:00 Sabi’u Ibrahim Fago <p><em>Education, as understood to be the process of acquiring and transmitting knowledge for effective behavior change, is given high impetus in Islam and ranked second to none in its practice (worship). Islamic education, therefore, becomes the bedrock of performing all religious activities. Islamic education in its entity is married and never divorced from Islamic practices. Hence, performing any Islamic act without its corresponding knowledge is null and void and rejected by the Islamic Sharia. This is supported by the first verse revealed to Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W), which directed him to "read.” This injunction, therefore, applied to all Muslims that they should seek knowledge before practicing the religion. It is about this divine injunction that Muslims of all ages made it a duty to search for knowledge, especially in Ibadat, Hadith, jurisprudence, Nahwu, Sirah, etc. The search for this knowledge begins from birth and ends when a person dies. Anybody involved in the search is either a student (Almajiri) or a Teacher (Malam). The search for Islamic education is characterized by the movement of Teachers and students to various destinations, especially when peace prevails and Government policies are favourable. This paper discusses the history of Islamic education in Hausaland and its problems and prospects</em>.</p> 2024-06-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 FUDMA Journal of History and Contemporary Development THE ENVIRONMENT, INDIGENOUS RELIGION AND THE PERCEPTION OF HISTORY IN THE PRE-COLONIAL AFRICA 2024-08-04T16:05:24+00:00 Sani Haruna Ahmed Ibrahim <p><em>This paper attempts to study the </em><em>relationship between the environment, indigenous religion and the perception of history in pre-colonial Africa. </em><em>The environment's vitality in forming human culture, settlement patterns, economic activities, and political institutions was crucial to the demographic profit of pre-colonial Africa. Therefore, to reconstruct the relationship between the environment and indigenous religion of pre-colonial Africa from a historical perspective, it is necessary to emphasize some of the fundamental heritages of African peoples, viz historical, cultural, and religious heritages. These centred on African beliefs, practices, ceremonies and festivals, as well as African religious objects, places of worship, values, morals, religious officials/leaders, etc. The methodology adopted in writing this paper is entirely historical. This paper discovered that the relationship between indigenous religion and the environment is inseparable and dialectical.</em></p> 2024-06-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 FUDMA Journal of History and Contemporary Development THE ROLE OF TRADITIONAL LEADERS IN MITIGATING VIOLENCE AND ENHANCING PEACE AND HARMONY IN NIGERIA 2024-08-04T16:11:28+00:00 GARBA ISA HASSAN MUSA MAGAJI ABUBAKAR LAWAL <p>Violence is a global phenomenon that exists the world over. The form and manner in which it exists vary from one country to the other. Nigeria has been facing severe challenges of violent acts since her independence till date. These violent acts range from ethno-religious crises, kidnapping, communal conflicts, Boko Haram Insurgency, Niger Delta Militancy, and farmer/herder clashes, among others, which threaten peace and harmony in the country. This study examines traditional leaders' role in mitigating violence and enhancing peace and harmony in Nigeria. The study predominantly relied on secondary data, including journal articles, books, newspapers, etc. Content analysis was employed in the data analysis. The findings reveal that traditional leaders play an essential role in reducing violent acts and enhancing peace and harmony by way of intervening in resolving conflicts such as farmer/herder clashes, the Niger Delta crisis, and so on. Finally, the study suggests that the government should empower traditional leaders more by involving them in resolving conflicts and peace talks.</p> 2024-06-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 FUDMA Journal of History and Contemporary Development SOME SOCIO-ECONOMIC IMPACT OF NEOCOLONIALISM IN NIGERIA: AN ASSESSMENT 2024-08-04T16:38:02+00:00 Aminu Lawal JABIR MANNIR <p><em>Post-colonial Nigeria has been at the mercy and dictates of the neo-colonialists who have been influencing the development of the country in terms of economy, education, and other social system. Despite the termination of colonialism in 1960, Nigeria's development remains primarily tied to the dictates of those that had raped, balkanized and dehumanized its existence and sense of dignity during the inglorious years of colonialism. The European colonialists have now been joined by new imperialists like the United States of America to exploit the country's resources. There is virtually no section of Nigeria's development in which a U.S. presence would not be found. Through aid, loans, and construction of infrastructures, the U.S. and its counterparts, like Britain, France, China, Italy, Germany, and Spain, have taken over many national assets of Nigeria. In a very hapless situation, Nigeria had been lured into taking loans and infrastructural aid from those powers with terms and conditions unfavourable to the country. Going by this background, the paper examines the socio-economic effects of neo-colonialism on Nigeria. To achieve this, Primary and secondary sources of historical research were applied.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-06-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 FUDMA Journal of History and Contemporary Development Studies in an Aspect of Intergroup Relations in the History of Birnin Katsina from the Earliest Time to 1999 A.D 2024-08-04T16:45:19+00:00 Sulaiman Bashir <p>To trace the history of intergroup relations in the history of <em>Birnin Katsina</em>, one must consider the factors responsible for the emergence of <em>Kasar Katsina </em>in general and how it was transformed from the early times to the present day. The transformation was often dictated by the relationship of the various tribes and ethnic groups that continue to shape and direct the course and extent of relations between and among the people in <em>Katsina</em>. In this regard, factors such as migration and assimilation of various tribes and ethnic groups from far and near&nbsp;the surrounding areas of <em>Katsina. </em>The people&nbsp;were identified as the basis for the cosmopolitan nature of the present <em>Birnin Katsina</em>. Another factor that continues to influence intergroup relations in the area is Katsina's strategic location; it is located on the edge of the African Saharan region, with abundant resources spread across the geographical area that serves as a 'Pull factor' for human sustenance. Consequently, population growth, economic development, and stable polity established over a period led to the emergence of <em>Birnin Katsina</em>&nbsp;as a strong political unit and the capital headquarters of the Kingdom. Other factors that continued to wield intergroup relations in <em>Katsina</em>&nbsp;were the 1804 Sokoto Jihad, British conquest and colonial administration, the Nigerian civil war, and&nbsp;the mandatory National Youth Service Corps scheme. All these induced intergroup relations in the history of<em>&nbsp;Katsina</em>&nbsp;to the extent that ethnic groups like&nbsp;Nupe, Yoruba, Igala, Ebira, Igbo, Tiv, Ghanaians, Togolese, Nigeriens, Tuaregs and many others were incorporated through inter-marriages, business and other interests as <em>Katsinawa</em>&nbsp;in general; and such gesture continues till date.</p> 2024-06-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 FUDMA Journal of History and Contemporary Development IGBO, NIGERIAN CIVIL WAR AND THE ISSUE OF ABANDONED PROPERTY IN SOUTHERN KATSINA, 1967-1987 2024-08-04T16:47:29+00:00 NURA RABE <p>Igbo is one of the major ethnic groups in Nigeria that established close contact and relations with the Hausa people in southern Katsina. They were attracted to southern Katsina due to European infrastructure, such as European commercial firms and railways. From the onset, the relationship was cordial, but it became sour with the outbreak of the Nigerian civil war in 1967. Many Igbo were compelled to leave the region for their homeland, a reason that undoubtedly made them abandon their properties. Immediately after the war, the Igbo returned to the region significantly to recover their abandoned properties. Using both the primary and secondary sources, the paper discusses the Igbo immigration into southern Katsina, the impact of the Nigerian civil war on the Igbo in the region and the issue of abandoned property, which was one of the contentious issues among the Igbo, especially during the post-war period. This issue has attracted many scholarly discourse, though it was addressed with consideration and humility in southern Katsina. Consequently, traditional institutions' efforts to keep the Igbo properties in their absence are worth reckoning, while others were left under the care of friends and business associates. The paper found that most returning Igbo have successfully recovered, especially their landed properties, while the moveable properties were looted or damaged in transit.</p> 2024-06-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 FUDMA Journal of History and Contemporary Development BOKO HARAM, INTER-FAITH BLASPHEMY AND SECURITY IMPLICATION IN NIGERIA 2024-08-04T17:06:07+00:00 Lawan Jafaru Tahir Auwal Abdullahi <p><em>It is said that Nigeria comprises over 250 ethnic groups, among which three are the majority groups (Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba). These three groups have been at the forefront of all socio-economic situations of the country ever since the attainment of political independence in 1960. Many analysts think these three major groups have collaborated with their religious counterparts and continue to take advantage of their influence in society by instigating the common man for their interests, especially when sharing national resources. Based on such facts, experts believed most religious conflicts were initiated to achieve socio-economic and political interests. This paper discusses one principal factor behind the 2009 Boko haram attack: the 2007 Isioma Daniel blasphemous article published in This Day Newspaper. The research studied several misguided utterances in Nigeria's history and the system's failure to prevent future repetitions. Given this, the work examines the causes of these religious conflicts and their implications for Nigeria's national security. In the course of the research, the author has devised means of arriving at the result using analytical and interrogative research approaches to point at the measures determining the outcome of the conflict. Our inability to foster a stable political system, establish a viable political culture, promote national unity, and develop a culture of tolerance are among the factors that continue to increase the crisis. The paper clearly stated that Boko Haram finally declared war due to such a misguided article. Even though there was a sharp division among the highest decision-making body of the sect, the final decision was the view of the majority, which the paper thoroughly analyzed. The paper recommends measures to control such uncultured behavior that derailed the nation from a crisis-free society since the era of independence. </em></p> 2024-06-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 FUDMA Journal of History and Contemporary Development Interrogating the Challenge of Domination in the Contemporary World 2024-08-04T17:26:57+00:00 Yusuf Abdullahi Shamsuddeen Suleman Saulawa <p><em>This paper discusses contemporary global problems, emphasising domination as the root of other world challenges. Recent studies on world history focus on either poor leadership or poor infrastructural facilities as banes of underdevelopment in third world countries. This paper shows that the nature of relations among countries is the major factor that influences other challenges in the world. More specifically, the paper demonstrates that imperialism, with its variant manifestations of domination, colonialism and neocolonialism, is the major factor that creates other problems, both at local and global scenes. The paper uses largely secondary sources to maintain that third-world countries have faced a series of problems, including poverty, poor infrastructures, poor leadership, corruption, insecurity, environmental issues, etc. These challenges, according to this paper, have foreign influences. Therefore, the nature of relations among countries at the global level has to be altered radically for peace and development to reign in underdeveloped countries. </em></p> 2024-06-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 FUDMA Journal of History and Contemporary Development An Assessment of the Causes and Impacts of Contemporary Political Crisis in Syria and Yemen 2024-08-04T17:34:35+00:00 Sani Abba Ibrahim Imam Kamalu Usman Yusuf <p>In Islam, the crisis does not provide a solution to the problem. This has been stated in the religious doctrines and principles of the Glorious Qur’an, Hadith and consensus of the <em>Ulama.’</em>&nbsp;In addition,&nbsp;Islam is the religion that comprises the total way of life of Muslims, where the Qur'an and Sunnah serve as guiding principles. The recent political crisis in Syria and Yemen is a violation and lack of strict adherence to the teachings of Islam. Against the above prism, the paper examines the impacts of the political crisis on Muslims in the two countries. Searches from books, internet sources, the Qur'an, and Sunnah were used as a finding and data elicitation method. The finding revealed that the crisis had resulted in an increase of disunity among Muslims; many Muslims' lives were lost and were economically downgraded and devastated. Therefore, the paper recommended that Muslims remain united and solve their problems amicably in line with the teachings of the Qur'an and Sunnah.</p> 2024-06-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 FUDMA Journal of History and Contemporary Development The Theology of Generational Curses and its Challenges for Contemporary Christians in Nigeria 2024-08-04T17:38:01+00:00 Bismarck Nosakhare Efe Gabriel O Ubuane <p><em>The focus of the paper is on the increasing belief and teaching on generational curses by Christian faithful and preachers. This has become necessary in order to present an unbiased position of the Christian scriptures on the subject matter. The paper adopted a combination of biblical theology and historical-critical approach. Belief in generational curses is partly influenced by pre-Christian beliefs, practices, and an innate propensity in man to find alibi for failure and underperformance in life undertakings. Although the books of Exodus and Numbers instituted generational curses, these passages have been set aside by later writings such as Ezekiel and Jeremiah. Again, such beliefs have no place in the New Testament scripture.The Bible must be understood as a progressive revelation of God. Emphasis on generational curses diminishes the strength and efficacy of the sacrificial death of Christ which guarantees the believers’ total freedom from all forms of baggage.</em></p> 2024-06-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 FUDMA Journal of History and Contemporary Development TECHNOLOGY AND CYBERBULLYING IN THE NIGERIAN EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM: A CASE STUDY OF FEDERAL UNIVERSITY LOKOJA 2024-08-04T18:00:32+00:00 Peter Luke Oyigebbe Achor Joy Achile <p>This research investigates the prevalence of cyberbullying within Federal University Lokoja, with a focus on understanding the experiences of victims and how it affects their academic performance. The study assessed the current state of cyberbullying and its potential impact on academic performance and proposed recommendations for institutional interventions. A random survey research design was employed, drawing data from both primary and secondary sources. The primary data were collected through a survey distributed to the university's student population, and the responses were analyzed using statistical tables and simple percentages. The study revealed a significant prevalence of cyberbullying, with 26.3% of the surveyed population admitting to being victims. This indicates a current concern that may escalate over time if not addressed. A noteworthy implication emerged from the perception that cyberbullying may correlate with poor student performance, emphasizing the urgency for proactive measures. The research strongly recommends reviewing and updating existing institutional policies based on the findings. The suggested revisions include incorporating clear definitions of cyberbullying, establishing effective reporting mechanisms, and implementing disciplinary measures. These measures aim to create a more robust framework for addressing cyberbullying within the university community.</p> 2024-06-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 FUDMA Journal of History and Contemporary Development Boko Haram Terrorism and Indoctrination of out-of-school Children: A Study of Children in the Suicide Bombing in Yobe State, Nigeria. 2024-08-04T18:05:20+00:00 Lawan Jafaru Tahir Aisha Alkali <p><em>This research paper examines how the activities of terrorist cells, especially those in the West African sub-region, initiate underage into their operation. The work looked at the nature of terrorism in Nigeria and how their network spread to various parts of the country. It is believed that most of the origin of terrorism was influenced by foreign ideology with a specific target of a common belief. This paper focused on the formation of the terrorist cell in Nigeria and how they succeeded by indoctrinating children into the mainstream of terrorism for various missions. The research discusses processes terrorists followed or applied to achieve their objectives. It should be noted that throughout the crisis, particularly in north-eastern Nigeria, there have been several cases of attacks by teenagers in various places with devastating effects on the society. It has been estimated that more than 43% of the attacks in Yobe state, which is the central focus of the research and its surroundings, have been attributed to suicide bombing attacks by either young girls or boys who were trained by the insurgents to attack their targets, with emphasis on the child abuse and radicalization, as well as how it affects the growth and development of youth in the society. Other aspects of consideration in the research include factors responsible for the successful enrolment and initiation of the underage into the organization. These factors include the poverty level of the society, materialism, ideological warfare, Islamism or secular radicalism, drug addiction, etc. A recent world report reveals that more than 20,000 people were killed and over two million displaced by the insurgency. Although the crisis has bedevilled almost 60% of the country, northeastern Nigeria was one of the most affected regions by this terrible terrorist act. The overall effects of this indoctrination and radicalization of the youth by these groups have been a tremendously increased rate of crime within the region, hunger and starvation, as well as general psychological trauma and fear of the unknown, which was brought by the consequences of the general insecurity.</em></p> 2024-06-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 FUDMA Journal of History and Contemporary Development TOBACCO MERCHANTS IN NORTHERN KATSINA EMIRATE IN THE 19TH AND 20TH CENTURIES 2024-08-04T18:12:56+00:00 Shamsuddeen Suleman Saulawa Yusuf Abdullahi <p><em>Studies have been conducted on the various aspects of the history of Katsina Emirate. The place of Katsina in the intellectual and economic landscapes of Hausaland and West Africa has been examined. However, tobacco's role in the Katsina emirate economy has received little attention from the writers of the economic history of Katsina. Moreover, writers and readers tend to pay attention to European-imported tobacco in a few discussions on tobacco marketing. This paper has examined the rise of local tobacco merchants in Katsina emirate in the 19</em><em><sup>th</sup></em><em>&nbsp;and 20</em><em><sup>th</sup></em><em>&nbsp;centuries. The paper has shown that, in the Katsina Emirate, there were centres for producing local chewed tobacco known as Taba Gari. Apart from production, some individuals engaged in tobacco marketing inside and outside Katsina Emirate and obtained considerable wealth. The paper also demonstrated that importing tobacco from overseas during colonial domination affected local tobacco production and marketing. Written and oral sources were used in the course of data collection. </em></p> 2024-06-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 FUDMA Journal of History and Contemporary Development African Philosophy as a Space of thought: Reflections on Bruce Janz’s Enactivistism 2024-08-04T18:18:08+00:00 Emmanuel Asia Eguasa Orumwense Ogiamien <p>This work is a reflection on the enactivistic reading of African philosophy by Bruce Janz. Janz new book marks a watershed in the history of African philosophy and it aims to usher in the idea of cognitive science in African philosophy. Although this is a laudable work, the scope and method of enactivism is insufficient for the discourse of African philosophy. While adopting the critical analysis, this article argues that for African philosophy to show that it is truly philosophical and truly African there is need for an all-encompassing method that will take cognizance of the different issues in African philosophy.</p> 2024-06-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 FUDMA Journal of History and Contemporary Development Colonialism and the Transformation of Traditional Institutions: A Study of ‘Yandaka District office in Katsina Emirate, Northern Nigeria 2024-08-04T18:15:36+00:00 Kabir Buhari Mamman Mohammed <p><em>Colonialism was the British policy introduced in Nigeria with the main target of ruling the people based on colonial policies and programs. Colonial policy was more pronounced in Nigeria around the 18</em><em><sup>th</sup></em><em>&nbsp;century, and the idea was introduced into Northern Nigeria with or without the attention of traditional institutions. In other words, introducing colonial policy led to introducing an indirect rule system of government. The indirect rule implies using traditional institutions and applying colonial policy to extract the available resources to satisfy the British personal interests. However, colonial policies not only in Northern Nigeria but also in the whole country “Nigeria” have both social, economic and political consequences, which still play a vital role on the soil of the country. It is in line with this that the paper traces the transformation of colonial policy in Northern Nigeria, taking into consideration a case study of </em><em>the Yandakan</em><em>&nbsp;district and portraying the effort of this institution in rejecting the policy. The methodology used in conducting the research includes primary and secondary sources. The primary sources involve books, journals, articles, and newspapers. However, the secondary sources involve conducting oral interviews and archival materials.</em></p> 2024-06-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 FUDMA Journal of History and Contemporary Development