About the Journal

FUDMAJHCD is a Department of History & Strategic Studies journal, Federal University Dutsin-Ma, Katsina State, Nigeria. The journal is published bi-annually; from January – June to July to December. FUDMAJHCD provides a platform for scholars, researchers, reviewers, institutions, and interested individuals to publish their findings. Submissions are welcomed from a wide range of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, especially on issues that deal with the economy, politics, war, peace and conflict studies, international policy and relations, regional integration, governance, and security and development studies.


Author(s) Guidelines

  1. Submissions must be original and not sent anywhere else for publication.
  2. The language of the journal is English.
  3. The abstract shall be between 250-300 words.
  4. Articles shall be in Microsoft Word Document (MS Word), Times New Roman, 12 font size, and double spacing.
  5. The article shall contain the Author(s) name(s), affiliation/institution, mobile phone number, and e-mail address.
  6. The article shall not exceed 15 pages.
  7. The Journal accepts APA/MLA reference style with Endnotes.

Submission of Manuscript

  1. All submissions should be made electronically to this e-mail address: fudmajhcd2023@gmail.com
  2. Each submitted article shall be accompanied with N 5000 (five thousand Naira only) as an assessment fee.
  3. Accepted manuscript attracts N 20,000 (twenty thousand Naira) as publication fee.
  4. All payments shall be made to the details below: 
  5. Journal Account Details:
    Account Name: FUDMA Journal of History and Contemporary Development
    Account Number: 2326482111         
  6. Bank: United Bank for Africa UBA

For enquiries, contact the following:

  • Dr. Dahlru Rabe

  • Dr. Mansur A. Wara

  • Sulaiman Bashir