The Theology of Generational Curses and its Challenges for Contemporary Christians in Nigeria


  • Bismarck Nosakhare Efe
  • Gabriel O Ubuane


Ancestors, Deliverance, Generational Curse, New Testament


The focus of the paper is on the increasing belief and teaching on generational curses by Christian faithful and preachers. This has become necessary in order to present an unbiased position of the Christian scriptures on the subject matter. The paper adopted a combination of biblical theology and historical-critical approach. Belief in generational curses is partly influenced by pre-Christian beliefs, practices, and an innate propensity in man to find alibi for failure and underperformance in life undertakings. Although the books of Exodus and Numbers instituted generational curses, these passages have been set aside by later writings such as Ezekiel and Jeremiah. Again, such beliefs have no place in the New Testament scripture.The Bible must be understood as a progressive revelation of God. Emphasis on generational curses diminishes the strength and efficacy of the sacrificial death of Christ which guarantees the believers’ total freedom from all forms of baggage.

Author Biographies

Bismarck Nosakhare Efe

Department of Religions

University of Benin

Benin City

Phone: 07038981451

Gabriel O Ubuane

Department of Religions

University of Benin

Benin City


